偽電話はオーストラリアのラジオ局DJのMel GreigさんとMichael Christianさんがかけたもので、ラジオ局はFacebookで「大変申し訳ない」と謝罪し、2人をラジオ番組から外しました。
番組内でMel GreigさんとMichael Christianさんはエリザベス女王のふりをして「私の孫娘と話させておくれ」などと病院に電話し、看護師は「体調は安定しています」などと話したといいます。
DJのMel GreigさんとMichael Christianさんを擁護するわけではありませんし謝罪は当然ですが、
【英王室:偽電話受けた看護師自殺 キャサリン妃容体漏らし- 毎日jp(毎日新聞)】
#2DayFM Mel Greig & Michael Christian have blood on their hands. Their hoax call to hospital caused nurse to suicide.
— Dean (@SaintsDeano) December 7, 2012
@saintsdeano its a very sad day, just awful 🙁
— Kylie Hodges (@kykaree) December 7, 2012
@kykaree she needed some support from family after incident. She obviously blamed herself? Didn’t help that it got worldwide coverage
— Dean (@SaintsDeano) December 7, 2012
@saintsdeano isn’t it sad. 2 kids without their mum, husband without his wife.
— chelle. (@cloningsheep) December 7, 2012
@cloningsheep very sad. Prank caused the suicide and has ruined a families life forever
— Dean (@SaintsDeano) December 7, 2012
@soulstealer2011 @steve_strider @saintsdeano A drunk driver crashing into a pedestrian never ‘intended’ to kill anyone, still their fault.
— David Smart (@Davidsmart1973) December 7, 2012
@davidsmart1973 radio station phoning a hospital to obtain patient information is morally wrong and should be a crime.
— Dean (@SaintsDeano) December 7, 2012
Mel Greig and Michael Christian should be put in prison for what they have done!
— Kelly Osbourne (@MissKellyO) December 7, 2012
I feel more sorry for Mel Greig and Michael Chrisitian who are being treated like criminals for light hearted entertainment #2dayfm
— Trevor Anderson (@Trevor284) December 7, 2012
@trevor284 Light hearted entertainment?. Well, if that’s what you think being a moron is. You never know how a prank will play out.
— David McCreadie (@dmviola) December 7, 2012
@trevor284 Comedian? Not funny Trevor. Won’t be checking you out.
— Vince Wheeler (@VinceTrikes01) December 7, 2012
@trevor284 I feel sad that society thinks such stuff is light hearted entertainment, like #FunniestHomeVideos, not funny
— justanotweet (@justanotweet) December 7, 2012
@trevor284 You’re a damned idiot !!!
— Kirsty (@KirstyTomBoy) December 7, 2012
【BBC News – Duchess of Cambridge hoax call nurse found dead】
【Jacintha Saldanha death: Australian DJs Mel Greig and Christian Michael taken off air after ‘sick prank’ | Mail Online】
Southern Cross Austereo (SCA) and 2Day FM are deeply saddened by the tragic news of the death of nurse Jacintha Saldanha from King Edward VII’s Hospital and we extend our deepest sympathies to her family and all that have been affected by this situation around the world.
Chief Executive Officer Rhys Holleran has spoken with the presenters, they are both deeply shocked and at this time we have agreed that they not comment about the circumstances. SCA and the hosts have decided that they will not return to their radio show until further notice out of respect for what can only be described as a tragedy.
【痛いニュース(ノ∀`) : 【英王室】 豪ラジオ局DJの偽電話受けた看護師自殺 キャサリン妃の容体漏らし – ライブドアブログ】
【【英王室】 オーストラリアのラジオ局DJがいたずら → イギリスのキャサリン妃担当の看護師が自殺 – ゴールデンタイムズ】